Who we are?
Institute of Law & Business Organization is a private think-tank aspiring to become the largest non-academic research institution in Poland specialising in commercial contracts, corporate law, securities law (including capital market law), bankruptcy law and labour law.
Our team comprises of young researchers involved in inter- and transdisciplinary research on law and economic policy using social science methods, including economic anthropology and sociology.
The mission
Accepting the thesis on the economy’s embeddedness in the society and its culture, we promote the creation and interpretation of law, taking into account the local context of its operation.
In particular, we support a legislative policy based on the results of quantitative research (statistical data analysis, survey-based methods and process modelling) and qualitative research (grounded theory, focus groups and ethnographic studies).
In terms of legal compliance, we provide advice on how to transpose legal standards onto the intracompany arena and fit them into the management’s strategy and organizational culture.

Our values
Creativity – Like many other people and organizations we believe that a creative approach to problem solving produces the best results. However, in our opinion creativity needs to be based on knowledge of the social and cultural context in which legal entities operate.
Far-Reaching Measures – We believe that good solutions create permanent, positive results. The broader perspective we choose to look at a problem, the more likely we are to find its true causes.
Impartiality – We are not permanently associated with any political party, interest group or economic doctrine. While always keeping our customers’ goals in mind, we give ourselves the right to assess the situation independently and to act in the best objective interest of our client.

Institute of Law & Business Organization is managed by Directors, who are the founders of the Institute:
Dr Katarzyna Franczak, Director of the Institute, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and from the American Law School, which is a joint project of the Catholic University of America in Washington and the Jagiellonian University. After completing her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration, she was awarded Ph.D. degree by her Alma Matter in 2013. Katarzyna has extensive professional experience in the scope of commercial contract law, payment institutions law and energy law.
Centre for Anthropology and Comparative Commercial Law
The Institute’s activity is based around, among others, interdisciplinary research centres.
The aim of the oldest one of them, the Centre for Anthropology and Comparative Commercial Law established in 2014, is comparative research on such institutions as a business organization, contract or money.
Anthropology as a science that examines the cultural diversity of humans in time and space may provide an established research programme with a theoretical framework and research techniques. Studies conducted at the Centre to date have resulted in, among others, a sociological theory of joint-stock company institution, taking into account its development from the 16th century to the modern times.

Centre for Ancient Law and Economy
Difficulties with researching the institutions operating in today's economy result from, among others, the fact that to us they are obvious and embedded in their social and cultural background.
Therefore, studies on the law and economy of societies that are strange but at the same time familiar to us, i.e. the Greek poleis and the Roman Empire, are a good point of reference while constructing models for economic institutions we all know.

Research on the operation of legal institutions in the society requires social science skills as well as professional legal knowledge. As a platform of cooperation for researchers from various scientific disciplines, the Institute has a great potential to facilitate research on the law in its various contexts.
We perform qualitative and quantitative research commissioned by public authorities, government agencies and business organizations. The results can serve as the basis for legislative works, corporate governance or investment-related decisions. The attention we pay to ethics in our research work guarantees that our customers can enjoy reliable and confidential results.
By drawing from the extensive knowledge and experience of legal practitioners and researchers from various scientific disciplines, from the very start the Institute has been offering organizational and strategic consulting services. We help shape our clients’ future by providing them with an insight into broadly-defined organizational environment, including legal environment, explaining any changes that take place and helping them predict any upcoming trends.
We also help leaders understand the informal organization and culture of the company their manage, which are often invisible to people “from the inside”. While providing our consulting services, we believe that only organizations well embedded in their society and culture can be successful in the long-term.

The Institute has two main objectives when it comes to provision of training services. The first of them is popularisation of the results of sociological and anthropological studies on legal institutions, in particular ones operating in Poland. We hope that it will contribute to a closer cooperation between representatives of different social sciences and have an impact on the current legislative policy.
The second objective of our training services is to provide the employees of government agencies and business organizations with reliable knowledge of the operation of legal institutions in the dynamically changing social and cultural environment. We believe that only verified information may provide a reliable basis for the activity of their organizations.

"Monographs and Dissertations of Institute of Law and Business Organization" series
The result of the Institute’s collaboration with “Fonte” Publishing House is a series entitled “Monografie i Dysertacje Instytutu Prawa Przedsiębiorstw” (“Monographs and Dissertations of Institute of Law and Business Organization”). Below you can find a description of volumes released to date. At the same time please note that the publications can be purchased directly from the publisher via email at the following address: dystrybucja@wydawnictwofonte.pl.
"Spółka akcyjna a prawo akcyjne" ["A Joint-Stock Company and Company Law"]
"The highly disciplined approach to concepts and terminology presented by the author of this paper is admirable. (...) The brave subject selection – in my opinion worthy of a habilitation thesis – as well as the author’s fully successful investigation, deserve a positive or rather distinguishing grade". (taken from a review by Prof. A. Doliwa)
Publication data:
- Author: Łukasz Franczak
- Title: „Spółka akcyjna a prawo akcyjne”
- First published: 2016
- Number of pages: 310
- Dimensions: 210x145x20mm
- Cover: Paperback
- ISBN number: 978-83-940334-2-2
- Retail price: PLN 84.00 (incl. 5% VAT)
- Table of contents in PDF format (available for download)

"Zarząd fundacji" ["Foundation’s Board of Directors"]
"The Ph.D. candidate presents a very important paper in terms of both the foundation law doctrine and its practical application, especially useful to foundations’ boards of directors, as – due to the lack of extensive literature in that regard – the author is somewhat forced to create a paper of such an independent and original character (...) It is a dissertation which discusses the legal status of the foundation and its board of directors in an extensive and exhaustive manner." (taken from a review by Prof. A. Szumański)
Publication data:
- Author: Katarzyna Franczak
- Title: “Zarząd fundacji”
- First published: 2014
- Number of pages: 354
- Dimensions: 210x145x20mm
- Cover: Paperback
- ISBN number: 978-83-940334-0-8
- Retail price: 84,00 zł (w tym 5% VAT)
Institute of Law and Business Organization
If you are interested in the services provided by the Institute please note that it is possible to organize business meetings outside the Institute at a pre-agreed location.
Institute of Law and Business Organization is a branch of Franczak SKA, joint-stock limited partnership incorporated under Polish law, registered seat at Łąkowa Str. 15, 34-600 Limanowa, entered into register of entrepreneurs under number 0000294513, which files are kept by Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia in Kraków, 12th Commercial Division, legal capital PLN 50,000.00, paid PLN 25,000.00, VAT number PL7372117452, statistical number 120611890.